5 Tips of Photography with the Whale Shark

Taking pictures in the sea can be complicated, will it be when you want to do a selfie with a whale shark? What do you do to make the memory of your approach to the world’s largest fish also spectacular?
1. The light
This is the starting point of any advice on photography, and in the water these recommendations are worth twice as much. If you are going to visit the whale shark in Cozumel or Isla Mujeres, chances are you have a bright and intense sun, which will flood your photos with bright colors … while you are above the surface. The transparency of the Caribbean can be misleading: water always absorbs a lot of light and, after a few meters, all objects become blue or gray (if not black) spots. When you go to take the whale shark, you should be no more than six meters from it so that its shape can be appreciated.
In addition, the drawing of its spine, of white spots on a dark background, tends to be confused with the sun’s reflections on the waves, so you should look for angles in which your skin is well lit and a clear background that allows the contrast. Instead, if you have a chance to shoot from below, your white belly will look majestic against the blue environment.
2. The team
The lenses and image processing of the latest high-end cell phones provide spectacular results, plus they offer sealing standards that make them water resistant. However, it is preferable that you use external protection for your cell phone (INCLUDE INTERNAL LINK).
On the other hand, it is important to remember that the water pressure causes the touch screen to stop working, so you must use the external buttons to shoot.
3. Distance
The standard for swimming with whale sharks is to maintain a distance of two meters. Be aware: you are going to portray an object the size of a truck (about ten meters) under the water, where all objects become blurred and lose their colors when portrayed at a distance of more than five meters (or less when submerged Several meters below the surface). It will not be easy to take a clear picture in which the shark comes out all along; The most viable thing is that you look for an attractive detail, like the gills, the mouth or the fins and concentrate in him your attention.
4. Anticipation
In the water everything is moving, you, the shark, your companions, the waves, the splashes, therefore you must anticipate the movements to obtain the best image.
5. Colors
Under the sea all the photos eventually turn blue, if any green; So it’s a good idea to take every opportunity to enrich your images. Frequently the whale shark circulates almost skimming the surface, have your cell phone ready to capture those images from outside the water, in which the blue of the Caribbean sea will stand out. There are also elements that can enrich an aquatic photo as the rise of a cloud of bubbles, a backlight or the lines that draw the solar rays when penetrating the water. You also have the option to take advantage of the filters available on your phone (or external applications) to enrich your photos; You can add drama to make them black and white or highlight tones that give them another personality.